These people are bounded by Lycaonia[1], which belongs to
the jurisdiction of the province of Asia[2], to which also resort
the people of Philomelium[3], Tymbrium[4], Leucolithium[5],
Pelta, and Tyrium. To this jurisdiction is also added a
Tetrarchy of Lycaonia in that part which joins up to Galatia,
containing fourteen states, with the famous city of Iconium[6].
In Lycaonia itself the most noted places are Thebasa[7] on
Taurus, and Hyde, on the confines of Galatia and Cappadocia.
On the [western] side of Lycaonia, and above Pamphylia,
come the Milyæ[8], a people descended from the
Thracians; their city is Arycanda.
1. This country was bounded on the north by Galatia, on the east by Cappadocia, on the south by Cilicia Aspera, on the south-west by Isauria and Phrygia Parorios, and on the north-west by Great Phrygia. It was assigned under the Persian empire to the satrapy of Cappadocia, but considered by the Greek and Roman geographers the south-east part of Phrygia.
2. Phrygia, or the western part of Asia, the first part of the Asiatic continent that received the name of Asia. See Chapters 28 & 29 of the present Book.
3. D'Anville thinks that the place called II-Goun occupies the site of Philomela.
4. Hardouin suggests that the reading here is "Tibriani," the people of Tibrias. Ansart is of opinion that Thymbrium is meant, the place at which Cyrus defeated the army of Crœsus.
5. Its site is unknown. It was probably so called from the quarries of white stone or marble in its vicinity. Pelta and Tyrium are also equally unknown.
6. Iconium was regarded in the time of Xenophon as the easternmost town of Phrygia, while all the later authorities described it as the principal city of Lycaonia. In the Acts of the Apostles it is described as a very populous city, inhabited by Greeks and Jews. Its site is now called Kunjah or Koniych.
7. It has been suggested that this may be the Tarbassus of Artemidorus, quoted by Strabo. Hyde was in later times one of the episcopal cities of Lycaonia.
8. Their district is called Melyas by Herodotus, B. i. c. 173. The city of Arycanda is unknown.